Case Club
Accelerate your UX interview skills by getting real-time feedback on live research cases
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Apple & Banana is trusted by 1,000's of researchers from:
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Moderated by Sr. UX researchers
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Limited to 3 participants per session
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With a secret twist in every case
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Discovery Research at an E-bike Startup
Planning a day of field research on electric bikes in a crowded, bustling city
Helping Drivers Feel Safer in Their Rideshare
Work on mobile app safety features to help ride-share drivers feel safer and supported
Improving the Package Delivery Experience
Identify the root cause for why package deliveries are delayed or incomplete
Increasing Local Election Voter Turnout
Work with a state government’s digital technology team to increase voter turnout
USD $85
Fast-track your research with our expert-built collections, covering every phase of research.
Used by 100s of teams; it's handbooks, templates, frameworks – everything you need, all in one place.

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& template
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USD $15
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